You Need This Book If...

*You're an experienced jammer, but want to fine tune your skills and branch into other styles.
*You've always wanted to join a jam but are terrified of the thought.
*When you join a jam, other musicians decide it's time for a snack.
*You're done playing when someone changes keys
*You want to help friends learn how to play with others.
*You'd love to know more about common chord progressions or music structure.

Experts Weigh in on our book!

"A must read for all entry level and even intermediate players."
-Lil Rev

"...does a great job of addressing the issues that come up in jamming, with helpful suggestions and a sense of humor. I really enjoyed it and recommend it."
Jumpin" Jim Beloff

Unique Jamming Tips Book

Essential jamming tips book with practical advice. Improve timing, style, and response. A must-have resource.

Click below to purchase!


Please Subscribe to Ukulele Magazine! Read the great write up about our book in the Spring 2025 issues!









Welcome to

At, we are dedicated to helping musicians of all levels enhance their jamming skills through personalized instruction and our unique book on jamming tips. Located in Lawrence, Kansas, we offer a supportive and creative environment for you to grow your musical abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Jam?

The real fun of playing music is in playing with others! You can be welcome in almost any jam circle with the tips form our book!

How do I join a group jamming session?

Find out in our book how about how to join different jam types and styles, country, bluegrass, jazz, open, slow, mixed level, advanced!

What makes your jamming tips book unique?

Our jamming tips book is unique because it combines practical advice with real-life examples and exercises, covering techniques from basic to advanced.

“I ordered this book on June 21st and received it today. It is great! It demystifies the circle of fifths, explains how the various chords are constructed--major, minor, 7th, 9th, but also gives advice on how to blend in, when to play louder, and when to not, courtesy to other players and to the current leader.”

Lester N.

Contact us

Reach out to for jamming help or our unique Jamming Tips Book.

Lawrence, Kansas, United States

About the Authors

Martha Haehl: Martha can’t remember a time when she wasn’t singing—starting at an early age to harmonize with her sister and making up tunes
on the piano. In her adult life, Martha, torn between becoming a
math professor or a musician, ultimately decided to do both. Martha
plays multiple instruments (11 at last count) and is a song writer and
marathon jammer. In her many years as a musician, she’s played with
numerous groups from acoustic to rock ‘n’ roll. While a member
of Rosy’s Bar and Grill, Martha performed on Garrison Keillor’s
Prairie Home Companion radio program.

Mike Walker: Mike is an award winning writer and publisher who freelanced
for magazines and served for seven years as an editor for The Pitch,
a weekly paper in Kansas City. Mike is also the author of two books,
Cinemental Journeys, and Autos to Airwaves, Mantle to the Mob. In
2002 Mike acted on a lifelong dream and purchased his first ukulele
and he’s been addicted ever since. Mike especially loves Tin Pan
Alley and the blues. Mike and Martha met at a Kansas City weekly
potluck dinner where friends gather, dine, then retire to the living
room to make music.